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Regional Center for Social Sciences and Sustainable Development (RCSD), Faculty of Social Science, Chiang Mai University is pleased to invite you to participate in a thesis proposal examination:
“Nexus of Social Differentiations and Conflicts in Oil Palm Plantation Zones, South Sumatera Province, Indonesia”
Bintar Mupiza, (Master of Arts in Social Science, Specialization in Development Studies)
on Thursday, 29 September, 1:30 pm
Examining committee
Asst. Prof. Dr. Chusak Wittayapak: Chair
Asst. Prof. Dr. Ta-Wei Chu: Committee
Asst. Prof. Dr. Prasit Leeprecha: Committee
Zoom link: https://cmu-th.zoom.us/j/97789177387
Onsite: 1st Floor Meeting Room, Department of Social Science and Development, Faculty of Social Sciences.