Six new print volumes in the Understanding Myanmar’s Development (UMD) series of new research from Myanmar academics has arrived, with the generous support of IDRC / CRDI! Details as follows:
- UMD21 Dam Displacement and Local Power: Ruptured village and widened inequalities in the localized resettlement and compensation process of the Upper Paunglaung Dam by Than Than Soe & N Khum Ja Ra
- UMD22 Negotiated Spaces and Kyukyaw Liminalities: Life and community in the informal settlements of Mandalay’s Ayeyarwady riverbank by Moe Moe Hlaing
- UMD23 Giving to Myanmar’s ‘Living Image’: The Mahamuni pagoda’s votive networks and management in a new age of urban development by Zin Mar Latt & Htet Htet Khaing
- UMD24 Fight or Flight: Land grabbing in the development of Mandalay’s international airport and the local fight for justice
- UMD25 Education and Renunciation: The movement of young Ta’ang girls from conflict areas to Mandalay’s nunneries by Zin Mar Oo
- UMD26 Tradition and Modernity in Ta’ang Tea Cultivation: Gendered forms of knowledge, ecology, migration and practice in Kyushaw village by Lei Shwe Sin Myint & Sandar Aung
Hard copies of all six of these publications are available; if you’re in Chiang Mai drop by the RCSD office, or send an email to for information on ordering / postage!