LuceSEA – Understanding the Present, Preparing New Beginnings: Co-producing Knowledge on Inclusivity in Burma

To create a vibrant space for exchange among students, scholars and civil society from Myanmar and beyond, to promote the coproduction of knowledge on ethnic inclusivity, to develop pathways towards a future inclusive society in Myanmar, the project aims to establish a Center for an Inclusive Burma (CIB) at RCSD, Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University. Focusing on political power sharing, resource governance, and education, the center provides a dynamic space for exchange among students, researchers, and CSOs, to strengthen the capacity of ethnic researchers and education providers through training and mentoring, and to facilitate knowledge co-production among diverse ethnic groups. In this way, it seeks to contribute to bridge ethnic divides, promote understanding, and link education and knowledge production to pathways for peace in Myanmar.

Activities will include
• 4th and 5th International Conferences on Burma/Myanmar Studies – ICBMS IV and V in 2024, 2026
• Capacity training and small research grants for ethnic researchers/ethnic education institutions in Myanmar

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