Carbon Mitigation Initiatives: Transformations in Environmental Subjectivity in Three Agricultural Communities in ThailandSECTIONTheses
Practices of a Non-State Mediated Payment for Ecosystem Service Pilot Project, Mae Sa Watershed, Northern ThailandSECTIONTheses
Regionalization Through Media Consumption: The Consumption of Thai and Filipino Soap Operas Among Vietnamese AudiencesSECTIONTheses
Ethnic Khmers’ Negotiation with Modernist Development: A Case Study of Focal Area Development, in Nong Nga Village, Champasack Province, Southern LaSECTIONTheses
Political Ecology of Rangeland Protection on the Tibetan Plateau: A Case Study of Three Rivers Source Community, Qinghai Province, P.R. ChinaSECTIONTheses
Development through Industrialization, Modernization that Exclude People in the Context of Global Influence: the Case Study of My Liet Village, Luu Kiem Commune, Thuy Nguyen District, Hai Phong Province, VietnamSECTIONTheses