

Thesis proposal examination for Minitta Taosouvanh

The Regional Center for Social Sciences and Sustainable Development (RCSD), Faculty of Social Science, Chiang Mai University is pleased to invite you to participate in a thesis proposal examination: “Community-Based […]

  • Events

UMD 22: Negotiated Spaces and Kyukyaw Liminalities

Life and Community in the Informal Settlements of Mandalay’s Ayeyarwady Riverbank Focused on two adjacent riverbank communities in urban Mandalay with drastically different geographies and forms of materiality, this research […]

  • Publication

UMD 17/CPRI 19: Negotiation for Life

Karen Customary Lands in Tanintharyi, Myanmar May Saung Oo has done valuable work with this research into the Karen community inTanintharyi Region, who are negotiating to preserve their customary communalownership […]

  • Publication

UMD 16: Rural to Urban Transition in a Former Periphery

State-led development, land use change and livelihood transformation in Kyaw, Gangaw Township, Myanmar The Township of Gangaw in the northernmost periphery of Magway Region is administratively, politically and ethnically part […]

  • Publication