
Resource Governance


UMD 24: Fight or Flight

UMD 24: Fight or Flight

Land Grabbing in the Development of Mandalay's International Airport and the Local Fight for Justice Rural…

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UMD 21: Dam Displacement and Local Power

UMD 21: Dam Displacement and Local Power

Ruptured Villages and Widened Inequalities in the Localized Resettlement and Compensation Process of the Upper Paunglaung…

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UMD 20/CPRI 22: Women’s Economic Empowerment

UMD 20/CPRI 22: Women’s Economic Empowerment

A Case Study of Internally Displaced Women's Small and Microenterprises in Myitkyina, Kachin State, Myanmar This…

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UMD 19: Microcredit and Women’s Empowerment in the Dry Zone, Myanmar

UMD 19: Microcredit and Women’s Empowerment in the Dry Zone, Myanmar

In an era of global financial insecurities led in part by regional instability, worldwide health crises,…

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UMD 17/CPRI 19: Negotiation for Life

UMD 17/CPRI 19: Negotiation for Life

Karen Customary Lands in Tanintharyi, Myanmar May Saung Oo has done valuable work with this research…

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UMD 16: Rural to Urban Transition in a Former Periphery

UMD 16: Rural to Urban Transition in a Former Periphery

State-led development, land use change and livelihood transformation in Kyaw, Gangaw Township, Myanmar The Township of…

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UMD 14: Erosion and Community Resilience

UMD 14: Erosion and Community Resilience

A Case Study of Shwetasoke Village, Kawa Township, Bago Region Dr. Zin Mar Latt has taken…

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UMD 13: Public Participation, Social Movements and Environmental Decision Making Process

UMD 13: Public Participation, Social Movements and Environmental Decision Making Process

The Letpadaung Copper Mine Project is a nexus of social conflict due to abuses of power,…

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